Pendleton Early Learning Center Friendsgiving
There probably isn’t anything cuter than a group of kindergartners in handmade turkey hats.
There probably isn’t anything cuter than a group of kindergartners in handmade turkey hats.
Pendleton School District, along with First Student, is excited to announce the launching of ParentView, a bus tracking and parent communication app.
The Pendleton School District is happy to feature new PSD teachers.
The Pendleton School District is happy to feature new PSD teachers.
Since we will most likely have more inclement weather this winter in the Pendleton area, the district would like to explain our process for determining inclement weather decisions in the district.
We are asking you to help us by completing a survey.
Angela Lattin, Principal of Pendleton Early Learning Center, welcomes students and families to the 2022-23 school year.
What could be better than a gift with your own child’s artwork on it? Probably not a lot. Students at the Pendleton Early Learning Center (PELC) are currently creating art for the Square 1 Art program, which has been going on at the PELC since it opened.
Essentially, each classroom teacher creates a theme/idea for students to do – handprints, animals, hearts, etc., and each student creates a colorful piece of art. Then, the teachers mail the artwork to the company, Square 1 Art. About two or three weeks later, the company sends back a personalized brochure for each student featuring their artwork that parents and family members can browse through and order online products like tote bags, ceramic tiles, mugs and more with their child’s artwork on it.
Rachele Johnson, a Kindergarten Teacher, helps coordinate the program at the PELC, saying it’s great because it’s fairly easy to manage and “the children and families absolutely love to see the kids’ artwork on items they will enjoy using, plus they make great holiday gifts for extended family members.”
A percentage of the money raised from the purchased items goes back to each teacher’s classroom, which amounted to about $118 per teacher last school year, Johnson said. She also explained that this fundraiser is nice because it doesn’t require young students to sell candy bars or something like that outside of school.
The Square 1 Art program is also operated at some elementary schools in the Pendleton School District.
Here is a copy of Pendleton School District’s Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program for the 2022-23 school year.
The 2022-23 bus routes are now posted under Parent Resources/Student Transportation. First Student, Inc. is the transportation provider for our district. If you have any questions, please call Joannie, Manager, at 458-213-5709 or Tiffany, Dispatch, at 458-213-5286.
Pendleton School District
107 NW 10th Street, Pendleton, OR 97801
Phone: 541.276.6711 Fax: 541.278.3208
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